Ok, y’all………I am FINALLY starting to blog! Can you believe it?! Took me long enough…right?!
For my first post, I decided to introduce myself & create a “Get To Know Me” type series. It’s been a little challenging trying to figure out how to format this post & what all to write… but, you know what? I’m just jumping right in! I may ramble & I may embarrass myself, but hey, that’s who I am! haha.
Grab a drink & chill with me for a little bit - I’m glad you’re here!
Hey y’all! My name is Rachel.
I have grown up almost my entire life on the coast of Florida, under the sunshine & palm trees, with sand & saltwater between my toes.
One thing you must know about me - I am an extremely passionate person. When I really love something, you’ll know. When I really dislike something, you’ll know. No- I’m not going to push my beliefs on you, because I hate confrontation…but I AM going to tell you how much something means to me, especially if it’s something that can help you in your life.
I am loud & outgoing.
I love food, but love dessert more.
I am creative & open-minded.
I want to be everyone’s friend & I will be your biggest cheerleader.
I have a soft heart & sometimes feel like I’m too empathetic.
I love being busy, but also having time to relax for myself. I am mostly considered as an extrovert, however, I do have some introvert tendencies. I love going out, but I also love a quiet night in to recharge.
I have just started on the Enneagram train, & I believe I most identify with a 7, however, I identify closely with a 4 as well. I’ve taken numerous tests & those 2 results are usually only between 2-5 points apart. Some test say I’m a 7, with 4 being second…while some say I’m a 4 with 7 being second. But, after some research, I believe I most identify with 7 - if I just had to pick one. It’s still a really close toss-up. If you’re big into that - maybe we can chat about it, & you can help me really decipher & learn more about it!
I’m sure y’all have figured this out by now…fuchsia/pink is my JAM.
& I always wear a lot of Lilly Pulitzer!
What can I say, I like what I like!
My kitty babies are my best friends.
If you know anything about me - you know I’m a crazy cat lady.
I do love all cats, but my 2 angels have my heart.
They are probably my favorite thing in my life!
(…sorry fam…)
Cairo has been my sidekick for 9 years now, going on 10; & Zoey has been my little shadow for 4 years, going on 5! I honestly, don’t know what I would do without them.
I get by with a little help from my…family.
There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for my family, & I know I wouldn’t be who I am without them. My family is veryyyy close, always has been. & I don’t just mean my immediate family. I’ve grown up close to my cousins, aunts/uncles, great aunts/uncles, 2nd cousins, their kids, etc. We get together for holidays, birthdays, random weekends…there’s never not a reason to get together in my family!
Thanksgiving is probably the favorite for everyone.
I could go on & on about that day with my family & it never gets old. We love the food, the laughter, the traditions. Our largest recorded Thanksgiving was 60 people -anyone is welcome! My grandparents live deep in the woods of Alabama - you have to drive dirt roads to get there & there’s not even any cell service! Their land is surrounded by trees, but within the woods are trails that lead all over, & one that leads down to a creek that connects to the Alabama River.
On Thanksgiving morning, you wake up & food is already cooking in the kitchen. My mom is there to hand out her signature bloody marys the minute you wake up, or walk in the door. When it’s time to eat, every inch of counter space is covered with food & desserts - everyone brings a dish.
We gather on the screened porch, we all talk about the things we are thankful for, & then my grandfather says the blessing. After the blessing has been said, you grab your plate & load it up with alllll the best food, that are family recipes passed down for generations - fried & baked turkeys (my dad makes the best fried turkey), ham, dressing, corn casserole, rice & gravy, sweet potato casserole, & the best homemade rolls. Desserts are always different & plentiful - but a couple of staples are peanut butter rice crispy treats & pecan pie. You can find people inside at the table, on the front porch, picnicking on a blanket in the yard, on the screened porch…you just find a seat wherever you can.
After we eat, the boys usually play football in the yard. Then we take off on four-wheeler adventures & end the night with a tractor pulled hayride and bonfire. (Yeah, we’re Southern…haha!) The hayrides have been getting fewer & farther between each year because my grandfather is getting older & can’t always get the tractor ready…but it will always be a cherished memory of mine.
Below is only a small blip of the photos & memories I have with my favorite people.
“I want adventure in the great wide somewhere
I want it more than I can tell
And for once it might be grand to have someone understand
I want so much more than they’ve got planned”
Thanks for the photo, @abigailwellinghurst , during our trip to Costa Rica for our first international wedding!
What can I say about traveling & seeing the world…? Man, there’s so much. It’s probably the 1 thing in my life that I’m constantly thinking about; the one thing in my life that I’m constantly yearning for more of. Whether I’m traveling to photograph a wedding, or traveling for personal fulfillment, it’s where I find the best parts of myself. It’s my dream & my goal to see as much of this beautiful planet before I leave this world.
I’m slowly, but surely, marking states & countries off my map. Check out my maps here. More on my traveling later, because that deserves its own post! I have a lot to share!
Sitting on the edge of the Cliffs of Moher…one of the most incredible sites I’ve ever seen.
My friends call me the
“Halloween Queen”.
OCTOBER is my favorite month, & HALLOWEEN is my favorite holiday.
It is my favorite time of the year. I can’t explain it, but the month of October, I feel so alive & happy. The cool(er) air - (ok…let’s be real - I live in Florida, so it’s not that cool…haha!), the spooky-ness of Halloween just around the corner, HOCUS POCUS & HALLOWEENTOWN, pumpkins, Fall scented candles, pumpkin bread, haunted houses, Fall festivals, hayrides, bonfires, apple cider, the decorations…what’s not to love?!
One year, I WILL spend Halloween in Salem. It’s pretty high on the priority bucket list!
Real photo of me being scared to death at HHN! Haha!!
“I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.”
…for spending a little time with me here, & getting to know more about me & what I’m passionate about. Be sure to check back frequently, to find out a little more about: me, why I do what I do, the gorgeous weddings I get to be a part of, my travels & so much more!
If you want, please leave me a comment below! I’d love to meet you, learn a fun fact about you & see who all is following along on my journey!